





刘教授主要研究领域为:客户关系管理、大数据营销、AI营销以及数据挖掘/文本挖掘等。他在中国大陆和香港地区有20余年的合作研究经历,曾获得2014-2016年IBM Global Shared University Research Awards等学术研究奖项。他的著作曾刊登于Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Classification, Journal of Forecasting and European Journal of Operational Research等期刊杂志。


此外,自2008年至2017年,刘教授还曾任香港中文大学营销工程中心主任。该中心为中国大陆和香港地区二十余家金融及零售领域的公司提供研究和咨询服务。在2011到2016年间,因其在大数据营销领域的贡献,刘教授曾4次获得IBM Faculty Awards。

Selected Academic Articles

1. “Using Economic Incentives to Distinguish Perception Bias from Discrimination Ability in TasteTests", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 32 (2), pp140-151, 1995 [Lau, Post and Kagan].
2. "A Stochastic Programming Model to Analyze Ordinal Preference Data", Marketing Letters, Vol. 4, Number 1, 1993. [Lau, Post and Selvaraj].
3. "Evaluating Consumer Preferences for Existing Products", Decision Science, Vol. 24, Number 1, 1993. [Lau and Post].
4. “A Modeling Approach to Evaluating Strategic Uses of Information Technology", Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 12 (2), pp161-187, 1995 [Post, Kagan and Lau].
5. "Combining Ordinal Forecasts With an Application in a Financial Market", Journal of Forecasting, Vol 15 (1), pp37-48, 1996 [Fan, Lau and Leung].
6. "Stochastic Preference Modeling Within a Switching Regression Framework", Computers and Operation Research, Vol 23 (12), pp1163-1169, 1996 [Lau, Yang and Post].
7. "Market Share Modeling Within a Switching Regression Framework", Omega: International Journal of Management Science, Vol 25 (3), pp345, 1997 [Lau , Kagan and Post].
8. "A Nonlinear Programming Approach to Metric Unidimensional scaling", Journal of Classification, Vol 15, pp 3-14, 1998 [Lau, Leung and Tse].
9. "A Mathematical Programming Approach to Clusterwise Regression Model and its Extensions", European Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol 116 (3), pp640- 652, 1999 [Lau, Leung and Tse].
10. "Economic Freedom Ranking of 161 countries in Year 2001: A minimum disagreement approach", Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol 53, pp 664-671, 2002 [Lau and Lam].