2007 阿尔伯塔大学(加拿大)博士(市场营销)
2002 中国人民大学 硕士(工商管理)
1999 中国人民大学 学士 (市场营销)
在加入香港中文大学(深圳)之前,詹凌静博士曾在香港理工大学任教。她的研究兴趣主要为消费者购买决策和营销传播,曾发表论文于Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Advertising Research, and Journal of Business Research等学术期刊。她曾教授的课程包括市场管理、市场调查、消费者行为和整合营销传播。
1. “Using Spotlight Effect to Curb Counterfeit Consumption - An Experimental Investigation”,Lingjing Zhan, Piyush Sharma, and Ricky Chan,,33(4), 556-574,2015
2. "Power and Action Orientation: Power as a Catalyst for Consumer Switching Behavior",Yuwei Jiang, Lingjing Zhan, and Derek D. Rucker,,41(1), 183-196,2014
3. “Customers’ Asymmetrical Responses to Variable Pricing”,Lingjing Zhan and Alison Lloyd,,13(June), 183-198,2014
4. “Understanding Luxury Consumption in China: Consumer Perceptions of Best-Known Brands”,Lingjing Zhan and Yanqun He,,65 (10), 1452-1460
5. “Online Persuasion: How the Written Word Drives WOM”,Jin Li and Lingjing Zhan,,51 (1), 239-257,2011
6. “The Power Switch: How Psychological Power Influences Brand Switching Decisions”,Yuwei Jiang, Lingjing Zhan, and Derek Rucker,,40, 303-307,2012
7. “Prior Expectations and Consumer Analytic Categorization”,Lingjing Zhan and Richard D. Johnson,,8, 258-259,2007